Why is The Good News Channel so Compelling ?

GNC and Scott

Good morning friends.

Sammy & Family has landed some great features for the next few weeks on The Good News Channel.  We are excited to show those features to our ELS family.  I want our friends from around the world to know I’ve always dreamed about conveying news through story telling.

After 20 years of being tuned into financial news and Geopolitical news, I wanted to break stories with no pre determined agenda behind them.  I wanted to hear news from people like us, the unspoken experiences, dreams, passions and thoughts that never get heard.  The major networks send reporters into the field to get the news they want them to get.

Through my entire life I was always interested in the news that came from all of us.  Meaning from my friends, family and animals around me.  The fact that it never made its way to the media doesn’t mean it was not news to me.  That’s why I am so passionate about The Good News Channel.  Its because the news comes from all of us.  And now we have a platform so that our news doesn’t go unspoken or unheard.

To see The Good News Channel, click link;  http://www.everybodylovessammy.com/good-news-channel/

If you have Good News or Positive stories you want featured on The Good News Channel, contact Scott Smith.  His email address is; smith7024@yahoo.com.

Or you can enter Good News or positive blurbs on The Good News Ticker.  Consider it like a wheel of Positivity. Remember, even just one thought or positive news item we share might make the all the difference in somebody else’s day.  That is how we make the world a better place, one person at a time.

For more information on how important The Good News Channel is, click here; http://www.everybodylovessammy.com/the-good-news-channel-the-news-comes-from-all-of-us-2/


Sincerely,  Scott Evan Smith

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