Reading still holds Value

Reading still holds Value

Good morning friends.

Sammy came by with an important message. He said in the world of texting, emailing, instant messaging, skype and so on and so on, that its still important to actually read something from time to time.

I know, I know, I am sure a lot of jaws just hit the floor, but reading still holds value. When we read something, we can learn about things.

Now in Scott’s case he has a legitimate excuse. Between his A.D.D and his slight case of Dyslexia, reading is impossible. Thank goodness for audio books,lol.

See you tonight friends. Day 407 here in Puerto Rico. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

A nostalgic evening on February 18th, 2016

Grateful on Feb 18th, 2016

Good evening friends.

Its great to be here with everyone tonight. Day 405 here in Puerto Rico. We have some great friends visiting this weekend. That’s always nice treat for Sammy & Family. We will get some fun pictures for everybody.

My boy is going to be 11 years old on March 14th, 2016. This has been and still is such an incredible journey. I remember when Sammy & I were living on the 54th Floor in the sky on east 38th Street and first Avenue like it was yesterday. I could swear that building was swaying back and forth on the real windy nights. Thank God Sammy was with me back then. I was a lonely man on a very destructive path.

I remember many a nights wondering if I was going to wake up the next day. And no matter how sick I was, I always prayed to God to let me live for my boy if nothing else. God always delivered, I am certain of that.

I love that boy and always will. We have seen it all together.  I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude to be alive and well these days. If you ever find yourself questioning your faith, remind yourself of my story. I was a dead man walking, period. With this gift of life I have been given over and over again, I am at service for animals around the world, my friends and my family.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Living with Zeal

Living with Zeal

Good morning friends.

The little man wanted to swing by to jump start everyone’s Wednesday.  This picture is a great depiction of the zeal Sammy starts each day with. He may not know what the day has in store for him, but he knows to show up for life, non negotiable.

Sammy has taught the crew and I a lot with his positive outlook.  He’s thrilled to just wake up each day and get outside. When we are outside, Sammy does not care if its NYC, Puerto Rico or Europe, hes grateful to be alive.  As he has told me, we all get to breathe the same oxygen.

I guess its true what they say; “The best things in life are free”  — Sometimes its easy to lose site of that with all the noise out there. That is why I try to reset to the basics every morning. I like the ground. I want to stay on the ground.

OK. Lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

2. If you want to feel freedom, start thinking about what you think of yourself, not what other people do. I don’t waste one second aggravating myself on things I cant control anymore.

See you tonight friends. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

#DrHarpSeal   #SammyAndFamily  #Freedom  #NYC  #PuertoRico  #Europe  #Life

Jeffery is another story of Hope

Jeffrey the story of Hope

Good evening friends.

In the spirit Poppy Rocky Tuesday, lets share Jeffery’s story of hope too.  When I arrived in Puerto Rico on January 11th, 2015 Jeffrey had only been with Vanessa and her dad just about two months.  When Jeffrey was originally dropped off here, the idea was to take him and his brother.

When the man came to drop them off, Jeffrey’s brother bit the driver and ran off.  While Jeffrey was very timid, he decided to see where this life would lead him. After all, it had to be better than where he came from.  Case in point with his brother’s behavior, not to mention Jeffrey’s nervousness and timid demeanor which I have expressed several times.

Life is inches and minutes. I never met Jeffrey’s brother but I sure hope he ended up in the right hands. Had the brother made it into the house from the car, he would have been part of this family too.  I think about the brother I never met often. I saw the work it took for Jeffrey to understand the worst is behind him. Yes still there are scars. Many times when I give him a treat he starts blinking rapidly wondering if my hands will give him those treats or harm him.

Nonetheless Jeffrey took the leap of faith and he was rewarded. He is so happy here and knows he is very loved. He is as sweet as pie. Maybe he will always have that nervousness, but it has been superseded with love, happiness and security. That is for certain.

So friends, if you going through tough times, tomorrow is a new day. Maybe things start getting better for you starting immediately. Try to remember the stories of Poppy, Rocky and Jeffrey.

See you tomorrow friends. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on February 16th, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on February 16th, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday.  A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember if Poppy and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

Day 403 here in Puerto Rico and day 90 since we rescued Rocky. Big milestone for Rocky as this is a full 3 months since we all rescued each other.

Its nice to be part of life on February 16th, 2016. It’s true what they say; “90 percent of success is just showing up”  — That’s a great slogan. I find it very grounding.

OK. Let kick this Poppy Rocky Tuesday off with two Postie Notions.

1. Its important go after what you want in this life.  If we don’t get it, at least we tried.  And if you don’t get it, you lost nothing. So lets step up and be true to ourselves.  Its like Barry Manilow sang in the song “I’m ready to take a chance again” –  ♫♫ You get what you get when you go for it ♫♫ 

2. Lets listen to people that are older than us. They’ve been where we’ve been. Experience is the best teacher in life. We know that. So it would only make sense to pay attention to what more experienced people are saying.

See you tonight friends.

Fun audio on February 15th, 2016

Friends you can listen to Audio directly below, or read the text below the audio.

Good evening friends.

Dr. Harp Seal here for Sammy & Family.  Thank you for stopping by.  Day 402 here in Puerto Rico and day 89 since we rescued Rocky.

We hope everyone has been enjoying this 3 day weekend.  We know the students are.  Nothing like a 3 day weekend if you’re a student. Well pretty much Anyone for that matter.

OK, three random news items here;

1. A little advice if you are going on a 2nd or 3rd date this week. Just a heads up, you can now get flowers and Heart Shaped Chocolates for like 80 percent off from yesterday alone.  That’s really good.

2. Vanessa finally let me in on what Puerto Rico means in Spanish. It means the Port of Gold.  It took me 402 days to learn that. Like i said, I am a very slow learner.  But like they say; “Better late than Never”

3. If most of what we worry about does Not actually happen, Shouldn’t we worry less?  The mathematics behind that are;  Happiness – Worry = More Happiness.  That seems simple enough.

OK friends, that is wrap.  We will see you tomorrow morning.

In Observance of Presidents day in 2016

In observance of Presidents Day

Good morning friends.

Today’s post is in observance of Presidents’ Day. Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. That’s the definition from

As you can see, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota has been renovated to illustrate the sign of the times. President Sammy has taken place of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s sculpture. Now its true, Sammy has not officially been a President yet. But all momentum points to an easy win for the Presidency in the future.

Hey its like they say; “If you can dream it, you can have it”

See you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Thoughts & Prayers on February 14th, 2016

Kelsey 1

Good evening friends.

We have a couple of prayers going out tonight.  This is a picture of a fallen angel named Kelsey.  She was a member of our Great friend Kristin and Colin Crouch’s family. Let’s here what Kristin has has to say about Kelsey.

“She was 18, she was my everything, and she saved my life several times. Kelsey was a great cuddler.  She always knew how we were feeling and was always a comfort when we needed it.” 

We have said this before, its never an easy decision to make but sometime its the only loving move left to make. 18 years is an incredible journey to share with a beloved pet.  God bless Colin and Kristin for their unconditional love of Kelsey. Rest in Peace Kelsey.  We will always remember you.

We also want to send out prayers to Bessie Stephans and her dog Molly. Molly is a 14 year old rat terrier whom Bessie has had since she was four weeks old.  Tomorrow Bessie will have to put her down. Her health has really deteriorated and she lacks any quality in her life. Lets keep Bessie and Molly in our prayers. Bessie please let us know how things go tomorrow.

Lastly we want to send out Thoughts & Prayers to Louisa and Ebon again. Ebon had surgery just yesterday early morning. After surgery he was very swollen and not really eating. Today he is doing a little better and hopefully Ebon will come home tomorrow.  This little trooper has really been through a lot.  Lets keep Ebon and Louisa in our thoughts & prayers.  Hopefully the worst is over for this little angel.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day

Good morning friends.

Happy Valentine’s Day. To all our friends back East or anywhere else dealing with these freezing temperatures, we hear you.

So I did a little homework on what exactly Valentines Day is all about.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia. In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes, and by 1900 printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology.

Ready-made cards were an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct expression of one’s feelings was discouraged. Cheaper postage rates also contributed to an increase in the popularity of sending Valentine’s Day greetings.

That’s actually the Contemporary story behind Valentines day. It actually goes back to the 1400’s.

Lets look at some fun facts about this holiday.

The greeting card industry says that about 1 billion cards are sent each year.  More than 62 percent of Americans celebrate it. Second only to Christmas.

1. More 35 million heart shape chocolates are sold.

2.  220 million roses are produced each year for Valentine’s day.

3. Altogether Americans spend 20 billion dollars annually.  

4. Six million couples are likely to get engaged on February 14th.

Source of info is from;