Why is The Good News Channel so interesting ?

Closing thoughts for tonight about The Good News Channel

Good evening friends.

Its good to be here with everyone.  Well March 5th and I see its snowing again.  That is truly one for the books.  Had I not lived through 45 years of  Winters I would feel more guilty then i do.

I landed some really good features for the next few weeks on The Good News Channel.  We are excited to show those features to our ELS family.  I want our friends from around the world to know I’ve always dreamed about conveying news through story telling.

After 20 years of being tuned into financial news and Geo political news, I wanted to break stories with no pre determined agenda behind them.  I wanted to hear news from people like us, the unspoken experiences, dreams, passions and thoughts that never get heard.  The major networks send reporters into the field to get the news they want them to get.

Through my entire life I was always interested in the news that came from all of us.  Meaning from my friends, family and animals around me.  The fact that it never made its way to the media doesn’t mean it was not news to me.  That’s why I am so passionate about The Good News Channel.  Its because the news comes from all of us.  And now we have a platform so that our news doesn’t go unspoken and unheard.

To see The Good News Channel, here’s link; http://www.everybodylovessammy.com/good-news-channel/

That’s all I got tonight.  Talk to y’all in the morning.  Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 54.  Love always, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Brooke Johnson and Sammy

Brooke Johnson and Sammy

Good morning friends.

Happy Throwback Thursday.  This is our great friend Brooke Johnson.  We met Brooke in July of 2013 I believe.  She had been visiting NYC from Georgia.  It was a real treat for Sammy & Family.

Brooke is a great friend to animals and has a passion for horses.  If i remember correctly she’s a pretty good rider also.  I believe she can be called an Equestrian, i think that is the term.

Looking back on the past three years, Sammy & Family is happy we got to meet so many people before we left NYC.  Day 54 here in Puerto Rico.  Life is good.

Have a great day Brooke, and have a great day to all our friends around the world.


The Kolb Crew Leads us out Tonight

Janice Kolb and Crew

Good evening friends.

Tonight we have the Kolb crew leading us out.  These four beauties are members of our very dear friend Janet Knecht Kolb and family.  Janice is from Mississippi and is a major friend to the animals.  She visited Sammy & Family while she was in NYC.  When Vanessa and her met her, I told her she is my first friend from Mississippi, that’s not a crack on her hometown, more to the fact that I never left NY.  It was our pleasure to make her acquaintance.  So let’s hear what Janice has to say about her crew here;

The very large brown boy is KoKo. He is 8 years old and the “Daddy” of the Krew. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. He was an only child for 7 years. The white female is Mahlee. She is a 3 year old re-home that came to me in Feb. 2014. She is a diva princess and rules the roost.

The little apricot boy is Kleiner Bruder ( German for “little brother”). I always promised KoKo a little brother so that’s why I named him that since the previous owner didnt name him. He is was about 1 year old when rescued January 2014 according to my Vet. He is from the hills of Kentucky. He was abused and neglected for the first year of his life and finally rescued by 2 wonderful women in his town. They contacted me and I fell  in love. He has been such a joy. He is smaller than he should be because he was crated in a puppy crate his whole first year and as he grew he was unable to even stand up. He has so much love to give and has come from being scared of everyone and everything ( he was scared of his water bowl) to being one spunky, loving, precious little boy.

The skinny brown boy is Kwinn Koen. He was surrendered to our local kill shelter in July 2014. The shelter contacted a local rescue that a friend of mine runs and she called me to see if I knew of anyone that could foster him till they could adopt him out. He was such a mess that you really couldn’t tell he was a Standard Poodle. His eyes were almost matted shut from infection, he smelled so bad that it made me physically ill and his ears were very infected. I fostered and then adopted him in Aug. 2014. He turns 3 on March 5. His name was Superman but he didn’t seem real attached to that so I renamed him Kwinn Koen. He has blossomed big time and has become Kleiner Bruders best friend. Those 2 rescue boys have so much energy and play nonstop.  That is the Kolb Krews story. They each have very different personalities but love each other very much. I love them all.

Janice that'[s an incredible story.  What a great full family you have.  Its like the saying goes; who rescued who ?  We can all relate to that.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Janice for making the world a better place 4 animals at a time.  God Bless.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Welcome to March from The Soldier of Love

The Soldier of Love came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.

The Soldier of Love came to welcome everyone to March.  We heard our friends back East are getting hit with more snow.  Now that is the definition of persistence at this point.  I can feel the exhaustion out there, totally relate.

We hope everyone had a nice weekend.  You know haircuts don’t change who we are but they sure make us feel refreshed. Look how revitalized Henry is looking right now.  I waited too long to get them their haircuts, I will be more timely in the future.  Sammy is getting groomed next Saturday right on time for his big 10th Birthday Bash.

I’m sure everyone feels a sense of relief knowing the details of Sammy & Family’s grooming status and such.  We have been trying to keep the night posts a little lighter.  Not to turn a blinds eye to things we have written on in the past, but there is a time and place for that.  When we do write on those subjects I will give everyone a heads up in advance.

Life can be grand, for Sammy & Family that should include all the animals too.  It just isn’t as sweet without their joy.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 50,  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Barry Will Lead Us Out Tonight

Barry will lead us out tonight
Good evening friends.Tonight we have Barry leading us out. He is a member of our friend Nikki Stevens and Family.Here’s Nikki’s description of her best friend Barry;”He’s been by my side since the day he was born. Best friends for life. He’s 3 years old, sleeps with me every night, and loves carrots. His favorite thing to do is cuddle on a nice lap. He’s best at making me smile. Every night when I come home from work he’s sitting by the door waiting for me. He’s one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me”

Nikki that was perfectly said. He’s best at making you smile and waits for you by the door every night when you come home. Sammy & Family and friends can all relate to that. We’ve always said, “our pets greet us at the door each night like its the first time they ever saw us” Where else do we get that in life ?

Even our families and friends eventually say; “Scott’s home, I’m going back upstairs to watch TV.” But our pets, they stay infatuated for life. Now that’s a little slice of Heaven if you ask me.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Nikki for making the world a better place, one Barry at a time.

Signing off from Pureto Rico. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Papa Seeks wanted come say goodnight

Goodnight From Patreeko

Good evening friends.

Patreeko wanted to come say goodnight.  We hope y’all had a great day.  If you did not, like I didn’t, we have to remember what Scarlett O’Hara said in The Movie Gone With The Wind, “But after all, tomorrow is another day”

Day 44 here in Puerto Rico.  The 5 dogs are humming along beautifully.  Overall things are status que or copacetic as some call it.

As Patrick lays on the floor you can see his preoccupation with animal welfare around the world. He knows too many animals don’t get to lay comfortably on the floor feeling satisfied.  It seems so random about where these animals end up, like a roll of the dice or something.  And that just ain’t right.  Animals deserve much more forethought then a random roll of the dice.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Bailey Will Lead Us out Tonight

Bailey will lead us out tonight

Good evening friends.

Tonight we have Bailey leading us out.  He is a member of Linda Richards-Labrot and family. Bailey looks very much like Patreeko, Linda was saying they could be cousins, I think she’s right. As you can see Bailey is fit to be a King sitting high up on the bed like that.  It’s funny how are pets all seem to take over the home.

Family members all have their own room, but pets, they’re room is every room.  They are bound by nothing. Whichever room has something going on is the room they will occupy.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Linda for making the world a better place, one Bailey at a time.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Vanessa With An Update on Lottery Winners from Puerto Rico

A Puerto Rico News update on Lottery Winners

Good afternoon friends

There has been some buzz that about us being the Powerball Winners of $500 Million Dollars out of Puerto Rico. Vanessa has virtually dropped by with a news update.

We did Not Win and therefore I am still working full time, and Scott continues to play Mr. Mom to 5 dogs at home all day.

Happy Throwback Thursday.

Sammy The Ageless Spirit

Sammy the timeless spirit

Good evening friends.

My boy came to say goodnight.  The little guy will be 10 years old March 14th.  When I first got him I lived on 38th Street and 1st Avenue.  If anyone told me that in 10 years I would be living in Puerto Rico with 5 dogs and a new family, I would have said to those people; “You might want to check yourselves into Rehab”

Sammy & Family has to salute Instagram for connecting us to Vanessa Martinez and Family. And a salute to Social Media as a whole for all our friends from around the world.

From the time he was a baby, I always said; ” Sammy Loves The World”  And all these years later, that notion has stood the test of time.

All those years I couldn’t  straighten out,  he was always there licking my forehead until i was better.  Never failed me.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.