Tonight we say goodbye to an angel named Scruffy

Rest in peace Scruffy Rest in peace Scruffy

Good evening friends.

It brings Sammy & Family great sadness to say goodbye to a fallen angel named Scruffy.  This little trooper belonged to Cindy Detroit.  Cindy is a very good friend of Sammy & Family.  She is a major animal lover and has dedicated many years of her life to animal welfare.  The Picture on the Left is Cindy’s last picture with her beloved Scruffy. The picture on the right is when Scruffy was just a puppy.   Let’s hear from Cindy directly, this is a very powerful and moving story;

Scruffy was Born May, 1999~Went to Rainbow Bridge March 22, 2015 @ 2:41 PM

“For every ending there is a new beginning.”~Unknown

Today was the end of my sweet Scruffy boy’s time on this earth. It means I have a beginning of a life without my little shadow and sweet companion.

My heart is in thousands of pieces. I don’t know how to go on without him. There have been so many hard, sad things and losses he has gotten me through. During my time of chronic illness and pain, he has been my therapy dog and kept me such wonderful company.

If I could have taken away his pain and kept him here forever, I would. I hope and pray that his 16 years with me were happy and loving for him.

There will be an emptiness without him that nothing will fill and hurt that time will not heal. My only comfort in this is knowing he is no longer suffering and in pain.  Because of him (and my other animals), as well as friends, family, and God, I have been able to endure some painful things. My sweet little Scruffy, know that you were loved greatly and will be missed more than anything! Mommy loves you, always and forever!

Here is his story:

One evening, 16 years ago, I was walking through our local mall and was drawn to the pet store (Scamps) there. This cute little fluff ball was in the window. It was incredible how much he looked like my Mushy girl that I had lost in March.  This was now June, 1999. Not intending to bring him home, I admired his cuteness through the glass and went on my way.

The next evening, my 10 year old stepson and I were in the same mall, walking past the same pet store.  I told him that he needed to see this adorable little boy. We asked the girl if we could see him. The next thing I knew, we were in the “get acquainted room” where we played with this little puppy for a few moments. I wanted to bring him home, but just couldn’t decide for sure. When the clerk told us the store was closing and this was the last day the animals would still be in Bend, that in the morning they would be shipped to their Eugene store, about a two hour drive away, I had to decide whether he would become a new addition to our family.  With Caleb’s added desire to bring this puppy home, the decision was made! Scruffy came home with us then and there. I couldn’t find his exact date of birth but it was between the middle and 25th of May, 1999.  His first, 8 week vet check up was July 24, 1999, so I’m guessing his date of birth is the end of May.

This little boy has become my constant companion and shadow, especially since April 2010, when I lost my Border Collie, Leia.  After she died, I invested my attention and energy into Scruffy. I am so glad I did because wherever I was, he wanted to be. He would follow me around the house, whether it was to the bathroom, kitchen, downstairs, or outside, he had to find me and watched over me until I sat back down, then he would lie down close by. If I was out of his sight, he had to find me. He didn’t know any tricks or mind very well, he wasn’t beautiful, but was cute as could be. He tried so hard to be obedient, even though he flunked out of class when he was a puppy. He was loyal and faithful.

When I raised baby chicks, had a bunny, cat or chinchilla, he always wanted to play with them.  His favorite game was stepping on them with his front paw.  Playing in the pasture with the sheep and fallow deer was also something he really enjoyed.  When visitors came to see me, Scruffy placed himself between us as if to say “this is my mom, don’t come any closer.”

About two years ago, I found out he had malignant tumors in his front right leg. The vet suggested putting him down that day. I told him, “NO”, because Scruffy still had so much energy and life. Arthritis in both his back legs became so bad that he was no longer able to walk without showing the pain. Every night as we snuggled on the bed, for prayer time, I would thank the Lord for another day that Scruffy’s precious life blessed mine.

I prayed that he would live a happy, healthy, long life and have minimal pain.  But most of all, I prayed that he had a very happy and great life with me. Until just this past few days, he didn’t show that he was hurting too much, and continued trying to do his normal activities. My little boy was so very brave until the very end, which came this afternoon, at the vet clinic with compassionate people around us. My mom took us to the clinic and was with us for his passing.

I often wonder if dogs have memories.  If they do, I hope Scruffy’s are sweet.

Let Sammy & Family end with this.  Cindy `that was such a moving story on so many levels.  All of us from around the world have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.  Sometimes saying goodbye is the only loving move left to make.  We know Scruffy has been struggling pretty bad the past year as we have written about, Scruffy suffers no longer. Rest in Peace little soldier.  You made the world a better place.  Sammy & Family and friends will never forget you.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.  Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Tonight the World says Goodbye to Lucy

Good evening friends.

This is Charlie on the left paying tribute to his sister Lucy who crossed the rainbow bridge in the past 24 hours. Charlie and Lucy is and were members of Marie Buschenko and family.

We have prayed for Lucy several times before if you remember. She was the Shiba Inu who’s smile lit up the room. Lucy’s health and eyesight unfortunately kept deteriorating in the past year. As we all know, sometimes the only loving move left to make is to say goodbye.

As for this living angel Charlie, he is very lucky to be part of Marie’s family. And Marie and family can take comfort in the wonderful life they gave Lucy and the great life they are giving Charlie.

On the right of post is an image of an obituary that Marie wrote for her fallen angel Lucy.

Rest in peace Lucy. Marie and Charlie we want you to know that Sammy & Family and friends have you in our thoughts & prayers.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Charlie pays tribute to his fallen sister LucyIMG_0486

Print Money for the Animals and then Print more

Print Money for animals

Good evening friends.

Well its Wednesday night and that means i can be a little more aggressive with tonight’s post. Have no fear, nothing R rated. I put a post on Dr. Harp Seal’s Facebook Page  today that I want to share tonight with some additions.  Below is the post from today;

“Any agencies or rescue centers euthanizing animals with gas chambers should not be considered a rescue center. Using gas to put down animals is anything but humane.

If states are underfunded, print the money like we do for everything else. Print it. Who cares ? The world does it for wars, stock markets and so on and so on.  If we run out of ink, buy more cartridges, if the printing machines break, build new ones, but just keep on printing”

Additions below, very good stuff, please read on;

Central banks spend trillions of dollars, yes trillions buying equities, bonds, currencies and so and so on to stabilize markets.  The financial times wrote an article about this last year.  The point being is Central Banks are a major reason, if not the main reason for the rise in equity prices the past few years. Let me repeat, trillions and trillions they spend and invest. Where do they get a lot of that money ? They print it.  Costs and expenses are meaningless if you can just keep printing.   Grant it that dilutes the value of your dollar, but that argument is long gone, nobody cares. I’m not even going to judge it at this point.

What I want to shout to the world is if Central Banks are basically rigging markets with all this printing going on; we should never have to hear that Animal Control Centers, or the Aspca or politically run Rescue Centers use gas chambers to kill animals because its cheaper. The Germans said the same thing in World War 2.  I’m sure we all read about Auschwitz.  The Nazis had it down to a science.  Well the same thing is happening to animals right under our noses here in the 21st Century.

So again, costs and expenses are meaningless, why ?  Because of the printing presses.  So I say, print and print away, and when we’re done printing, print some more.  Sounds reckless right ? Easy money policy around the globe is doing this right now and has been doing it for years. So print for a humane reason.  Print money for the  animals because they’re worth it.

And one political remark, when people say; “How is America going to pay for Obamacare?”  You guessed it, Print, who cares ? Again, we print for wars, stock markets, and anything and everything else.

For God’s sake, print money for the animals.  In the words of AC/DC; ♫♫♫ Come on, come on, listen to the money talk ♫♫♫

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

The Kolb Crew Leads us out Tonight

Janice Kolb and Crew

Good evening friends.

Tonight we have the Kolb crew leading us out.  These four beauties are members of our very dear friend Janet Knecht Kolb and family.  Janice is from Mississippi and is a major friend to the animals.  She visited Sammy & Family while she was in NYC.  When Vanessa and her met her, I told her she is my first friend from Mississippi, that’s not a crack on her hometown, more to the fact that I never left NY.  It was our pleasure to make her acquaintance.  So let’s hear what Janice has to say about her crew here;

The very large brown boy is KoKo. He is 8 years old and the “Daddy” of the Krew. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. He was an only child for 7 years. The white female is Mahlee. She is a 3 year old re-home that came to me in Feb. 2014. She is a diva princess and rules the roost.

The little apricot boy is Kleiner Bruder ( German for “little brother”). I always promised KoKo a little brother so that’s why I named him that since the previous owner didnt name him. He is was about 1 year old when rescued January 2014 according to my Vet. He is from the hills of Kentucky. He was abused and neglected for the first year of his life and finally rescued by 2 wonderful women in his town. They contacted me and I fell  in love. He has been such a joy. He is smaller than he should be because he was crated in a puppy crate his whole first year and as he grew he was unable to even stand up. He has so much love to give and has come from being scared of everyone and everything ( he was scared of his water bowl) to being one spunky, loving, precious little boy.

The skinny brown boy is Kwinn Koen. He was surrendered to our local kill shelter in July 2014. The shelter contacted a local rescue that a friend of mine runs and she called me to see if I knew of anyone that could foster him till they could adopt him out. He was such a mess that you really couldn’t tell he was a Standard Poodle. His eyes were almost matted shut from infection, he smelled so bad that it made me physically ill and his ears were very infected. I fostered and then adopted him in Aug. 2014. He turns 3 on March 5. His name was Superman but he didn’t seem real attached to that so I renamed him Kwinn Koen. He has blossomed big time and has become Kleiner Bruders best friend. Those 2 rescue boys have so much energy and play nonstop.  That is the Kolb Krews story. They each have very different personalities but love each other very much. I love them all.

Janice that'[s an incredible story.  What a great full family you have.  Its like the saying goes; who rescued who ?  We can all relate to that.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Janice for making the world a better place 4 animals at a time.  God Bless.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Welcome to March from The Soldier of Love

The Soldier of Love came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.

The Soldier of Love came to welcome everyone to March.  We heard our friends back East are getting hit with more snow.  Now that is the definition of persistence at this point.  I can feel the exhaustion out there, totally relate.

We hope everyone had a nice weekend.  You know haircuts don’t change who we are but they sure make us feel refreshed. Look how revitalized Henry is looking right now.  I waited too long to get them their haircuts, I will be more timely in the future.  Sammy is getting groomed next Saturday right on time for his big 10th Birthday Bash.

I’m sure everyone feels a sense of relief knowing the details of Sammy & Family’s grooming status and such.  We have been trying to keep the night posts a little lighter.  Not to turn a blinds eye to things we have written on in the past, but there is a time and place for that.  When we do write on those subjects I will give everyone a heads up in advance.

Life can be grand, for Sammy & Family that should include all the animals too.  It just isn’t as sweet without their joy.

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 50,  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Tonight We Say Goodbye to Sweet Little Sassy

Good evening friends.

Today the world says goodbye to Sassy.  This little angel crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. Sassy was a member of Miranda Camille Parrish and family.

Miranda posed a very good question earlier, how many pieces can one heart be broken into?  Man, we can all relate to that.

Its never easy making decisions like this, but sometimes its the only loving move left to make. Sassy was given a great life and left this life very loved. We might not be able to change the world, but Miranda and family changed the world for Sassy. That’s all anyone of us can do.  Rest in Peace Sassy.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Miranda for making the world a better place one Sassy at a time.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Barry Will Lead Us Out Tonight

Barry will lead us out tonight
Good evening friends.Tonight we have Barry leading us out. He is a member of our friend Nikki Stevens and Family.Here’s Nikki’s description of her best friend Barry;”He’s been by my side since the day he was born. Best friends for life. He’s 3 years old, sleeps with me every night, and loves carrots. His favorite thing to do is cuddle on a nice lap. He’s best at making me smile. Every night when I come home from work he’s sitting by the door waiting for me. He’s one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me”

Nikki that was perfectly said. He’s best at making you smile and waits for you by the door every night when you come home. Sammy & Family and friends can all relate to that. We’ve always said, “our pets greet us at the door each night like its the first time they ever saw us” Where else do we get that in life ?

Even our families and friends eventually say; “Scott’s home, I’m going back upstairs to watch TV.” But our pets, they stay infatuated for life. Now that’s a little slice of Heaven if you ask me.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Nikki for making the world a better place, one Barry at a time.

Signing off from Pureto Rico. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Goodnight from Papa-Seeks and Scott

Papa-Seeks came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  This is me and Patreeko, my little boy.  I have a new name for him and I think it trumps all the other ones.  My new name for Patreeko is “Papa-Seeks”

Sammy & Family wishes all animals get a chance at a happy life.  Look at little Papa-Seeks here, he was a timid and insecure boy when we got him.  Now he’s filled with love and joy.  And what did Sammy & Family get in return ?  Papa-Seeks made our lives better.  We are all happier because of him.

Maybe we can’t change everything, but everyone can change something.  Papa-Seeks was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life, and certainly one of the most important.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Tonight Chanel Will Lead Us Out

Chanel the Chihuahua Will lead us out tonight

Good evening friends.

Tonight we have Chanel leading us out.  She is a member of Myriam Martinez and family.  Yes, my sister in law.  So technically I’m related to the dog as well.

Chanel is a Chihuahua and was born on September 22nd, 2014.  She was given to Myriam as a present.  What a great gift that was, we can all agree to that.  Myriam describes her as; curious, sweet, delicate and playful. Great qualities right there.

Myriam and family also rescued 4 cats a while back.  Five pets in total, plus a husband and a son. Now that is a full family if you ask me.

Sammy & Family would like to thank Myriam for making the world a better place, 5 animals at a time.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

Cooper Will Lead Us out Tonight

Cooper Will Lead Us out Tonight

Good evening friends.

We hope everyone had a nice weekend.  Tonight we have Cooper leading us out.  He is a one year old Pomeranian. Cooper is a member of Marylee Gluhoski and family.

His former owner would let him run the streets where he almost got hit by a car 3 times.  That was all Marylee needed to know, now Cooper belongs to her.  He is 3 pounds fully grown and is very loved.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Marylee for giving Cooper the life he deserves.  We also want to thank you for all your efforts with rescue and animal welfare.  Marylee makes the world a better place, several animals at a time.

Signing off from Puerto Rico.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.